Private Area

All I see is DARKNESS.
All I feel is COLD.
All I hear is CRITICISM
All I want is PEACE
and a SMILE on your FACE

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

2 months

Another 3 days, he'll be gone for 2 months
In 2 months many things have happened, mostly good.
But despite all these good things, there's a part of me that feels so alone,
feels like there's a part missing, feels like there nothing that can replace this part,
I miss him. I really really do.
Sometimes he comes to my dream, but when I wake up, I can't remember them at all.
Sometimes it feels like he's still around, still at home, still hanging around...
If I can feel like this, I really don't know ow my mum is coping,
she has been with him for 38 years, 38 long years, always with him, how is she coping?