Tomorrow (Today) is my birthday!!!
Yeah, congrats!!!
Haha, me going crazy!!!

Without Appa and Amma, I wouldn't be here today,
so THANK YOU for meeting, and falling in love and deciding to stick to each other (when faced opposition by your parents) for 9 years before getting married and bringing me first to this world.

THANK YOU for your patience, hard work, dedication, love and motivation (and also the whackings, and scoldings and nagging and punishments), I wouldn't be who I am today (and I'd like to think I have grown up well)

THANK YOU for your support (in every single way, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially), I couldn't have achieved what I have achieved, and the more that I have to achieve in the future

THANK YOU for understanding and for your forgiveness for all the times I rebelled, acting out of my league, talked back, lied and made you guys unhappy.

THANK YOU for teaching right and wrong, for accepting me as I am (although you guys always want me to lose weight), with my faults and rights.

THANK YOU will never be enough in this lifetime to show/convey my gratitude to the both of you, because the love you guys gave us surplus everything else.

So THANK YOU!!! and LOVE you guys
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